Khánh Nghiêm | Chat Online
22/02/2021 16:10:14

Fill in the blank using the words in the box

II.Fill in the blank using the words in the box.
     Turn left              Come in               Don’twait            Don’t forget
     Stop the car!        Help me!              Have                    Don’t listen
     Pass                      Don’t be late!       Open                    Come
     Catch                   Take
1.Don’t wait for me. I’m not coming tonight.
2. ____________ an umbrella with you. It’s raining.
3. ____________ a rest. You look tired.
4. ____________ at the end of the street.
5. ____________ I can’t swim!
6. ____________ to take your passport.
7. ____________ There’s a mouse in the road.
8. ____________ to my cocktail party, please.
9. ____________ your books at page 15.
10.___________ the salt, please.
11.___________  to that record. It’s terrible.
12.___________ The train leaves at 8 o’clock.
13.___________ and have a glass of lemonade.
14.___________the first train in the morning.

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