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13/06/2021 14:24:06

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentence

ex 22. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentence.

6.  They couldn’t go on a picnic                         the weather was bad.

A.    because                   B. when                       C. but                          D. or

7.  This small                         is used to play table tennis.

A.    racket                      B. stick                        C. bat                          D. hoop

8.  My joke made the whole class                        


A. smile

B. laughing

C. laugh

D. crying

9.  The boss wants his                        to type some letters.


A. secretary

B. novelist

C. journalist

D. musician

10.  We always need more players. Why don’t you come                         us?

A.    on                           B. along                       C. with                        D. after

11.  ‘It’s a lovely day. Shall we go for a walk?’                        ’

A.      No, problem                                              C. You’re right

B.       Great idea!                                                D. Enjoy yourself

12.    ‘I passed the entrance exam into Le Hong Phong.’ ‘                      !’

A.      Good luck                                                 C. How well

B.       Congratulations                                         D. Thank goodness

13.  We shouldn’t cross the street outside the                       

A.    pavement                B. foot lane                 C. sidewalk                 D. zebra crossing

14.  She            us Literature every Monday morning. She didn’t            us yesterday.

A.    teaches/ teach       B. teaches/ taught       C. taught/ taught         D. taught/ teaches

15.   Don’t forget                your teeth before going to bed.

A.    brush                    B. brushing                  C. to brush                  D. not to brush

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