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29/07/2021 16:11:23

Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

8. past simple or past progressive tense.

1. Our plane (fly)……. over Scotland when the accident (happen)…………...

2. Where you (go)………… yesterday when I (see) ………..you?

3. When I (be)……….. a little boy, I not (like) ………..basketball.

4. Fred (go)………… home and (have)……….. a shower before he (call)……….. his sister.

5. When Frank (see)……….. the policeman, he (put)………. the pen back.

6. I (want)………. to buy some bread yesterday, but the shopkeeper not (have)……….. any.

7. Jill (work)…… in the garden when it (begin)……….. to rain.

8. They (play) ………with the dog when I (see)…………. them.

9. When you last (open) …………this safe?

10. The teacher (correct)……….. tests when the postman (ring)…………. the bell.

11. The man (leave)……….. the shop when the policeman (stop)…………. him.

12. Henry (finish)………… his newspaper while he (wait)……….. for the bus.

13. While my sister (play)………… tennis, I (do)…………. her homework.

14. Mandy (play)………… the piano while Jack (do)………… his homework?

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