GOW_Nguyễn Mạnh Quang | Chat Online
10/08/2021 10:45:53

Write your answers in boxes 34–40 on your answer shee

Write your answers in boxes 34–40 on your answer sheet.

  • 34 According to Dr Randolph, people get sick because of  – in other words,
  • 35 Vague, far-off concepts like global warming are made more urgent when  are studied together.
  • 36 Rising temperatures result in more widespread distribution of disease because some insects are able to  .
  • 37 Large-scale removal of trees forces wildlife from their habitat and brings them into contact with  .
  • 38 Uncontrollable  of zoonotic viruses are becoming more numerous.
  • 39 Collaboration between many disciplines is needed to confront the problems of urban development, pollution,  and new pathogens.
  • 40 Environmental medicine should receive more  to help it meet future demands.
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