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15/08/2021 14:52:32

Complete the emailwith one word in each gap

Complete the emailwith one word in each gap.
Hi Lisa,
We have a new teacher at our school. She teaches cookery (1)...................Wednesdays. She knows lots about food
from different countries. We usually buy the food the day before, but she (2)...................... buys it for us. Cookery is our last (3).................. of the day. We finish (4)..................... 4.30. Then we (5)......................... home and eat the food!
Today it’s apple crumble.
She also teaches us about healthy eating. She says we should (6)..................... have breakfast. It’s a very important
meal! She wants to start a Thursday cookery club but I (7)................. volleyball at the sports centre then. I really like
cooking, but I think sport is important, too. What (8)............................. you think?
Bye for now,
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