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15/08/2021 20:33:25

Choose the best answer

Choose the best answer ( Chọn đáp án đúng nhất)
1. Pho, Bun Cha, Spring rolls are ______________ of Vietnam
A. appertizer B. dessert C: specialties
2. You should eat less ______________ to loose weight

A. vegetables B. milk C. fried chicken
3. Summer is ______________ of travelling so all types of price are increasing.
A. low season B. high season C. destination
4. When I travelled, I met many ______________, they were helpful and friendly
A. local people B. humans C. man
5. Danangis a famous ______________in the North of Vietnam.
A. county B. city C. tourist destination
6. In the future, I want to become a person who guide tourist when they visit my
I want to become a ______________
A. tour guid B. travel agent C. bank clerk
7. Lao Cai province is located in ______________ of Vietnam
A. the South B. the Central C. the North
8. Local residents in Hoi An Old Quater are very ______________, they always help
strange people without complaining
A. generous B. helpful C. selfish
9. My hobby is ______________
A. take photograph B. taking photos C. have taken photos
10. In my spare time, I often play ______________ with my friends
A.running B. swimming C. football
11. I’m interested in ______________
A. cooking B. to cook C. cook
12. I like ______________ when the weather is nice tomorrow.
A. playing football B. to go for a picnic C. swimming
13. Why do you want to play violin?
A. Yes, of course B. I want to make people funny C. I am the best
14. I am allergetic with ______________ like shrimp, lobster, octopus, fish so I can’t
eat them.
A. meat B. seafood C. baverage
15. Vietnamese athletes try to do best because of ______________
A. national patriotism B. their only reputation
16. I learn history from ______________
A. music B. documentary C. interesting lessons
17. In the Mornachy period, Vietnam was invaded by ______________ invaders
A. Chinese B. American C. French
18. ______________ occured from 1939 to 1945
A. World war 1 B. World War 2 C. Cold War
19. In the future, I want to be a ______________ because I want to treat patients/ ill

A. doctor B. pilot C. Waiter
20. I feel a little bit ______________ as I will have difficult test tomorrow.
A. happy B. nervous C. angry
21. I am interested in math because I was ______________ by my Math teacher
A. inspired crushed on C. motivated
22. I used to ______________ Chinese but now I stop because it is very hard to
A. learn B. learned C. learning
23. Lotus flower is ______________ of Vietnam
A. symbol B. flower C. legend
24. My uncle is a ______________. He always works in the court
A. farmer B. banker C. lawyer
25. Barack Obama is a ______________. He is the 45th president of the USA.
A. nurse B. hairdresser C. politician
26. A: Do you like Jack?
B: No, I hate him because he is very
A. generous B. humorous C. mean
27. I want to ______________ for 10 people tomorrow because my have an important
with my partners.
A. book a table B. take a seat C. check in
28. A: How many ______________ can you remember?
B: I can remember 5 Vietnamese heros. 10 wars and some weapons that they used.
A. historical events B. history C. peace
29. What do you have first when you go to a restaurant
A. appertizer B. main course C. dessert.
30. I have been _____________ Peter. He is very handsome and kind.
A. excited B. happy C. crush on
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