qhuongw | Chat Online
20/08/2021 07:40:03

Viết thư phản hồi

Học viết thư phản hồi
Note: You need to write a response to an e-mail that you will read. What your response needs to include is in the directions so make sure you also read the directions carefully.
Dear Ms. Lee,

I really appreciate all your help in getting my new flower shop ready to open. You've been right there, helping out wherever and whenever you could for these past few months. I especially appreciate your help with the color and decorating choices, as well as the advice on which software programs to buy.

We couldn't have done it without your expert services. I am very appreciative of your assistance and looking forward to continuing to work together. If there’s ever anything we can do to return the favor, please let us know.

Again, thank you so much.


Mary Jones

DirectionAs if you are Ms. Lee, read the letter and give a suitable response.

Bài tập chưa có câu trả lời nào. Rất mong nhận được trả lời của bạn! | Chính sách thưởng | Quy chế giải bài tập
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