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23/09/2021 18:51:41

Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense

Еxercise 1: rul we veros ш tше Draскеts шо ше согтеct teuse (tnе uure smріe wu or 'going to' future). 1. John: Did you remember to bring that book I lent you? - Paul: Oh, sorry. I forgot again. I (bring) it tomorrow. 2. Sally: Do you know what to buy your sister for her birthday? - Tom: Yes. I (buy) her a book on gardening. 3. I don't feel like going out this evening. I (stay at home and watch TV. 4. Elizabeth: There's someone at the door. - Mark: I (go) and see who it is. 5. David: Do you know that Mark (open) a shop in the center of town? - Linda: Really? What type of shop? 6. I've decided that I (look) for a new job. 7. The train is faster than the bus. - OK, I (take) the train. 8. There's a big traffic jam on the motorway to the stadium. - OK, I (go) another way. 9. Do you know what to buy your dad for his birthday? - Yes, I (buy) a watch. 10. Did you bring my books? - Sorry, I forgot. I (bring) them tomorrow. 11. There's someone at the door. - OK, I (open) it. 12. My wife and I (start) a new business. We're planning to open an antiques shop.
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