Con Meo Xau Xi | Chat Online
25/09/2021 11:20:05

Complete these sentences, putting the verbs into the gerund and using one of the following preposition. Some of them are used more than once

Mình cảm ơn nhiều lắm TvT
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
9.Complete these setences.putting the verbs into the gerund and using
one of the following prepositions.Some of them are used more than
About – of – in – to – after – by - for– on – at - without
1.I look forward to (see) you again next year
2. She's tired (work) for the company
3.I'm very happy my parents (come) home
4.(open) the front door, I walked slowly through it
5.We got into the house (climb) through a window
6. I'm looking forward (work) with you
7.Im tired (come) to the same place every week
8.I'm worried Jane (get) to the airport on time
9.She's very good (listen) to what people say
10.The car drove off (stop)
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