Huyền Còy | Chat Online
28/09/2021 08:50:09

Use the prompts below to write definitions for the other things in the box above

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
money. casino
2 It's a thing that you use when you
want to pay without cash.
3 It's a person who creates new things.
B Use the prompts below to write
definitions for the other things in the
box above.
1 place/people look after/your
2 thing/use/carry/money and
credit cards
3 person/gives money/to a product
or business (to make more money)
4 place/you go/ borrow.books
5 thing/use/watch films
EWork in pairs, Student A turn to
page 164. Student B: turn to page 167.
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