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28/09/2021 20:12:56

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
o1 ine
family does his bit about the housework, it isn't difficult or boring and proves the proverb:
I think it is not a bad idea to (13)
nousenold duties. If every (14)
"Many hands make light work". For example, the children should keep their own rooms (15)
make their beds, lay the table for meals, clear away the dishes and wash up. The
mother could then concentrate on the more specialized jobs of cooking, ironing, mending, and
shopping. The father should do more difficult physical work. This is an ideal variant for me how
to keep house.
C. groceries
C. which
11. A. responsibilities
B. chores
D. laundries
12. A. who
B. whom
D. where
В. do
C. make
C. member
13. A. keep
D. share
14. A. son
B. daughter
D. parent
15. A. tidy
Q G. dirty
D. disorder
B. mess
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