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30/09/2021 18:00:37

Give the correct form of the verb in brackets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Sve re courreet term of the verbn in brackets
LHis miun always do) don
2. At the mo
3Every day, Jane (wash h the dishes hut tley lames doho the wwshng p
AWele she duties in our family. 1(cook l
danghter (take ournkand.the nubbish
SWhen everyone works topether on hosehold ehoces, i(crete).positive atmingtere fur the family
AThis shop usually coffer)dlon the same discourt every minth
7. "What he (do).
* The mumber of people who aee homeless tincrease)
he landry very veeing
he (watch). Wacides his favriti flin ChannetS
ushand thelp. with hesvy iing nd my
now? "He (try)..
to fix the compuler
dramatically thes quarter
9 Her parents nommally (vel)
by plane, but thus holiday they (travel).
try tra
10.I guess 1inish) my assigrenent for this semeiter in time.
11. They have bought a couple of tickets and they ec)
12. Ana Do you know that John has been in bospital lessaca No I don't 1(viit l tomeerow
Find and correet mistakes in the following sentencek
1.What ure ofien you doing in the evening
2.1always have my lunch late, but I have my lunch ealy today as I have an appointmera.
3. Iam doing the laundry at the same time every week
4. Linita in going shopping when she bas time
5. Peter works hand to get the presentation ready fu eext week
6As plamed, vwe will drive from our city to the sea
7. Look at the clouds It will rain.
8 Everyday they will feed the dog.
their favorite flm at the cionna
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