Nguyễn | Chat Online
02/10/2021 14:45:17

At first; things went ___. They almost ___ the five actives (smooth/ completion)

giúp mình mấy câu tiếng anh này với, mình gấp lắm, giúp mình với,mình chưa bao h dc giúp
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
51. At first, things went
They almost
the five actives. ( smooth / completion)
52. In Activity 5, Hung had difficulty .
the poem. ( recite )
53. Women were
allowed to participate in the Boston races. ( official )
54. At the end, the judges will
the total score of each group. ( announcement )
of three classes took part in the annual final English Competition. ( represent )
55. The
-- ( enjoyable )
56. The most important thing was our participation in the competition and the
57. To
58. Mary felt a bit
in the contest, you have to work in groups of three. ( participant )
after the competition. ( disappoint )
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