----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh ----- Document1 - Word Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân File Home Insert Design Layout References Mailings Review View Help Tell me what you want to do 2 Share X Cut EB Copy P Find - - A A abs A = -E:S EE A. T Times New Ro - 14 Aa - AaBbCcDc AaBbCcDc AaBbC AABBCCC AaB AaBbccc abe Replace Paste BIU - abc x, x A - aly - A - A O E = = E - I Normal I No Spac. Heading 1 Heading 2 Title Subtitle A Select - Format Painter Clipboard Font Paragraph Styles Editing L' . . . 6..I . 7 does your aunt live? you want to live in - a town house or a country house? 9. WHERE 10.Which house DO Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences (messy) (interest) (furnituring) 1. Your room is a 2. In the afternoon, they can join many ; please pick up your toys. ADJ N clubs. 3. This is beautiful house with modern N 4. Every morning I get up, brush my teeth, wash the face and get ADJ quickly.(dresses) 5. My house is warm and 6. I'm so very ADJ (comfort) (еxcite) ADJ about my first day at school. 7. We are very 8. We can find many shops in a Tien Plaza. to move to a new house next month. (happiness) store like Vincom Center or Trang (departure) Page 1 of 2 292 words English (United States) 110%