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04/10/2021 20:16:58

Complete the conversation, putting the verbs into the present continuous and completing the short answers with am, is, are (not)

_ Complete the conversation , putting the verbs into the present continuous and completing the short answers with am , is , are ( not ) .

A : So what ..... ( happen ) ? ......... ( They / have ) a party ?

B : Yes , They .....

A : And what ...... (They / do ) ?

B : Well , a few of them ..... ( dance )

A : ........................... ( Mun and Dad / dance ) ?

B : Yes , Mun ..... but Dad ......  . He ........ ( talk ) to Uncle Jack and they ...... ( laugh ) a lot

A : Is Aunty Linda there ?

B : Yes , she ......  . She ........ ( dance ) with

     Brian from next door . Oh , and Dad ...... ( give ) everyone a drink now .

A : What ...... ( they / drink ) ?

B : Coffee , I think . And some of them ...... ( drink ) juice . Mum ...... ( not/drink ) anything .

A : ...... ( they/eat )

B : Only crisps and nuts and some cheese .

A : And we ...... ( not/eat ) anything . It’s not fair !

B : But they think we ..... ( sleep ) upstairs .

A : Oh no , they don’t . They ...... ( look ) this way .

      I think Dad ...... ( come ) over here .
M.n giải phụ mik bài này vs ạ , mik cảm ơn trc !

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