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09/10/2021 14:21:33

Choose the best answer

Ex 10: Choose the best answer:

1.Why don’t we ……. a hiking trip tomorrow?a. takeb. takingc. to take

2.It’s boring. Let’s … some sports.a. Playingb. to playc. play

3.I want to buy some clothes. How about … shopping tonight?a. Gob. goingc. to go

4.I’ve bought a new pair of rackets. … playing badminton?

a. Shall web. What aboutc. Let’s

5.There is a new interesting film on TV tonight. … you come and see with me?

a. Why don’tb. ShallC. Should

6.What should we do this weekend? ……..we go camping?

a.Why don’t youb.How aboutc. Shall

7.It’s nice today. … go roller-skating.a. How aboutb. Let’sc. Shall

8.It’s so cold! … go to the café over there and get a hot drink.

a. Would you likeb. What aboutc. Let’s

9.- I’m so tired.- … going sailing this weekend?

a. How aboutb. Let’sc. Shall we

10.There is a new swimming pool near our school. … go swimming tomorrow?

a. Why don’t web. Shallc. What about
giusp e vs mn :>

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