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13/10/2021 17:40:02

Complete the email with the superlative forms of the adjectives below

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
5 Complete the email with the superlative
forms of the adjectives below.
bad beautiful big cheap expensive
near new quiet smoll
To Osegfatinessage com
Hi Rosie,
I want to tell you a few things about my town.
It's the 'smallest town in the area - only 10,000
part of
the town is Green Park. It's lovely. It's the
place too and I go there to read
people - but I love it. The?
my book or do homework
There are also some great shops. The
shops, only six months old, are in
a shopping centre called Wenton's Shopping
shop there is
called Benny's (nothing under £201). The
shop is called Pound Store. There
you can buy everything for under a pound!
Centre. The 5
There are lots of places to go in the evening.
My friends and I go to a great café called
Marco's or the leisure centre. That's got the
swimming pool in the area - it's
Olympic size!
The &
it hasn't got a theatre or place for concerts, and
I love music. The_
hour away!
thing about my town is that
concerts are an
Tell me something about your town!
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