Tien Tran | Chat Online
19/10/2021 08:36:41

Sắp xếp các câu sau thành đoạn văn hoàn chỉnh

Mọi người giúp em sắp xếp với ạ
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a. The elderly couple down the street from me, for example, spent over $20 on lottery tickets last week, and they have only thein
meager social security checks to support them.
b. I only wish to express my opinion, namely, that lottery games of all types should be abolished.
c. People who want to gamble would be better off in places like Las Vegas or Hong Kong where they would at least be using some
d. I would like to express my concern at the growing number of lottery games in this country.
e. Just last month, a gang of youths tried to hassle people lined up to buy lottery tickets at my local newsstand, making a tremendous
amount of noise in the attempt.
f. Second, while I do not object to gambling in principle, I feel that this particular kind, where no skill is required on the part of the
player, is especially offensive and deadening to the intellect.
g. In conclusion, let me say that I do not wish to appear old-fashioned or anti-pleasure.
h. There are several reasons why I object to this our microphone is muted.
i. Finally, the places where lottery tickets are sold often attract undesirable people to otherwise quiet neighborhoods.
J. First, the people who run the lotteries are taking substantial amounts of money away from people, many of whom are old and can
least afford to lose it.
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