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22/10/2021 12:11:27

Read and answer the questions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
* VI- Reading
Chicago, where I am from, is called "the Windy city" In the winter a cold wind blows off Lake Michigan and it snows a
lot. The temperature gets very cold, sometimes below zero.In the spring the weather is great. It's warm and the snow melts.
People plant gardens and start to play outdoor sports like baseball. In the summer it's hot and sometimes humid. People swim
and turn on their air conditioners to keep cool. Sometimes it rains or we get thunderstorms. In the fall it's cool. People
prepare for winter and buy warm clothes like coats and hats. The leaves change colours and fall from trees. It's very
1. When do the leaves change colours in Chicago?
2. When do people plant gardens ?
3. When is it humid?
4. When do people prepare for winter?
5. When does it snow?
Rewrite these sentences so as they have the same meanings as the ones above:
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