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22/10/2021 20:03:55

In the and girls not study in the same to study in

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
18. In the and girls not study in the same to study in
is not an advise
16. I her for her so like She will
educators to We and them with our love and sincerity.
Biên soạn và hợp bởi Lê Cô:
you can do this, your will their you more
Circle the sentences with the best word to complete the sentences below
14. Do not critize your students' mistakes, but
you can do this, your students will share their problems and feelings with
A. break up
1. honest # d
with these inevitable
honesty #
2. remain h
3. (enfore)
D. have a
4. fluent(
15. One of the most essential soft skills that young people should learn is to
when having conversations with anyone else.
C. get involved
B. sympathize
5. drop c
D. make a difference
6. on go
7. attra
C. lend an ear
B. make a fuss
A. give a hand
16. I think
forgive and be reconciled
you immediately.
C. to
8. qua
9. tak
10. eng
D. with
B. for
A. at
17. Punishing children
educators to apply. We must explain and support them with our love and sincers
A. strictly
11. in
C. sympathetically D. respectfully
18. In the past, boys and girls could not study in the same school. They had to stud..
D. intensive
B. single-sex
C. opposite-sex
19. One of the best qualities, in my opinion, to have a long-lasting friendship is
which helps friends understand each other.
A. vocational
2. I
C. efficiency
D. devotion
A. selfishness
B. sympathy
20. In term of learning English new words, I suggest that you should make constant
and practice it as frequently as possible to make it more active.
D. avoidance
A. involvement
B. revision
C. punishment
21. Parents should
with their children's mistakes and give them more
chances and time to change for the better gradually.
B. emphasize
D. condemn
A. criticize
22. In the puberty stage, your children will face a lot of difficulties during this crisis,
to their problems sincerely.
A. make a relief B. lend an ear
C. get along with D. take meyes off
23. More and more serious traffic accidents are happening because of not
obeying traffic regulations when travelling on the road of road users.
A. randomly
B. effectively
C. strictly
D. extremely
solving difficult problems on their
own because this helps build up their independence of making important decisions
24. Parents should let their children
for themselves.
A. reconciled with B. responsible for C. deal with
D. care for
1 Leurning hard, living happily!
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