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25/10/2021 11:37:56

Give the correct form of verb at the simple tense and the continuons tense

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A Read aloud
i Ngan
short black har.
What color
those bikes?
1 He
tall and thin.
& Toan
an athlete. He
very strong.
IV. Give the correct form of verb at the simple tense and the continuons tense.
1. Sit down! A strange dog
(run) to you.
2. My mom often
(buy) meat from the butcher's.
3. My brothers
(not/ drink) coffee at the moment.
4. Look! Those people
(climb) the mountain so fast.
5. That girl
(cry) loudly in the party now.
6. These students always
(wear) warm clothes in summer.
7. What
(you do) in the kitchen?
8. I never
(eat) potatoes.
9. The 203 bus
(set off) every fifteen minutes.
10. Tonight, we
(not/go) to our teacher's wedding party.
V. Fill in each blank with the correct adjective from the box.
He likes to talk a lot.
He's a little bit
smile with everyone.
She always has a
Everyone 1s
to me. They often help me when I need.
to sit on the plane with nothing to read.
She writes poetry and paints.
It is,
She is very
pe here to search
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