Vy Zui Zẻ | Chat Online
28/10/2021 22:16:15

Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word

Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word.

37.  We don’t usually get that property of washing powder.

38.  We can only take the item back if you’ve still got the change.

39.  The best thing about the new shopping centre is that there’s a lot of fee.

40.  What’s the design on a French one euro sale?

41.  Carter and Sons have got some really good things in the receipt.

42.  My mum didn’t like me selling my bike, but she said it was my coin, so it was my decision.

43.  When we bought the house, we had to pay a huge brand to a lawyer.

44.  The taxi driver wasn’t very happy when I told him I didn’t have any variety.











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