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29/10/2021 18:36:14

Fill in each gap with to-infinitive of the correct verb (phrase) from the box

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Fill in each gap with to-infinitive of the correct verb (phrase) from the box.
have made
1. He closed the door so as not be disturbed
2. He always puts wine in the fridge so as
a chilled bottle ready.
3. I am keen
all your latest news.
4. My brother is not willing
all these extra hours without pay.
5. I don't think we should talk about it in order not
6. They were disappointed
you hadn't passed.
7. I went to the cash machine
out some money.
8. She was unable
to the wedding because of illness.
9. They were glad
their acquaintance.
10. Were you surprised
her again so soon?
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