Vương Nguyệt Nguyệt | Chat Online
03/11/2021 14:54:15

Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of verb in present continuous tense

Mình cần gấp để nộp cho thầy mong các bạn giúp mình
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Teacher's comment
1. Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of verb in
present continuous tense.
1. My grandfather
fruits at the supermarket.
2. Ms. Hậu
(buy) some
(not study) French in the
library now. She's at home with her classmates.
(she, run) in the park?
4. My dog
5. What
(eat) now.
(you, wait) for?
(not try) hard enough in the
6. Their students
7. All of Minh's friends
concert right now.
(have) fun at the
8. My children
9. My little brother
10.Listen! Our teacher
(travel) around Asia now.
(drink) milk.
2. Circle the correct answer
.....his wife?
C. are
1. Where....
D. be
A. am
В. is
2. Jack.....
D. wears
B. are wearing
C. am wearing
A. is wearing
3. The weather.
A. gets
4. My kids
A. am/ am playing
warm this season.
D. are gets
C. is getting
B. are getting
... downstairs now. They (play) .. ..chess.
B. is/is playing C. are/are playing
D. be/ being
5. Look! The train ....
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