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17/11/2021 17:54:58

Complete the sentences: have to/has to/don't have to/hasn't have to/must/mustn't

EX2: Complete the sentences: have to/has to/don't have to/hasn't have to/must/mustn't
1, Students... look at their notes while they are talking the exam
2, My mother has a terrible headache so she ... stop working today
3, There is an accident and the traffic is blocked. We ... stay here for a while
4, You ... do that, Marry. I'll do it later
5, He... wait in line like anyone else
6, You ... light a neaked flame near the gas station
7, While operating a motor vehicle, you... drink and drive
8, You ... skip classes too often or you will not pass the exam 
9, They ... work hard and earn a lot of money. They want to move to a larger apartment 
10, Mr. Smith ... drive to work because his company os near his house
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