Duy Minh Trần | Chat Online
22/11/2021 16:34:20

Chuyển đổi câu

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
72 My mother bought me a present yesterday. → A present
73. It's no use persuading him to say sorry There is
74.My father will have to repair my bike tomorrw
→ My bike
751 study English because I want to read books in English.
I study English so as_
76. Could you send the letter for me?Would you mind
77. He said: Did you work in this company last year?"
He asked me
78. My brother gave me a lovely doll on my birthday.
→A lovely doll
79. Please don't make any noise; I'm very tired.
→ I'd rather you
80. May I borrow your dictionary ? Would you mind,
S1.Vietnam is a country which exports a lot of rice.
Vietnam is a
$2. Driving on the left is strange and difficult for Americans.
Americans aren't
83. "Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?" Peter said to Ann.
→ Peter
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