What are these places? Write the names of the placesII. What are these places? Write the names of the places. restaurant bakery cinema grocery post office bookstore bank art gallery <!--[endif]--><!--[endif]--><!--[if gte vml 1]--><!--[endif]--><!--[if mso & !supportInlineShapes & supportFields]--><!--[endif]-->1. It is a place where we send letters and buy stamps. __________________ 2. It is a place where we can buy books. __________________ 3. It is a place where we pay money to watch a movie. __________________ 4. It is a place where we can buy and eat a meal. __________________ 5. It is a place where we can save money. __________________ 6. It is a place where we can buy food and other goods. __________________ 7. It is a place where we can see paintings and other works of art. __________________ 8. It is a place where we can buy bread and cakes. __________________ |