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01/12/2021 13:49:59

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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
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Câu 11: “Can you tell me the way to Tan Ky House, please?" – "..
B. Good idea
A. Let's go
C. No, thanks
D. Yes, certainly
Câu 12: They never
A. watch
TV in the afternoon.
B. watches
C. to watch
D. watching
Câu 13: Read and answer the questions below.
Huong is eleven. She is in grade six. She lives in a small house in HCM City with her
parents. They are both workers. Every morning, Huong gets up at six. She brushes her teeth
and does morning exercise. She gets dressed and leaves house at half past six. She eats
breakfast at a food stall near her school. The school is near her house,
she walks there.
She has classes at seven to a quarter past eleven. She walks home and has lunch at twelve.
Questions: What does Huong do?
A. They are both workers
B.She is a worker
C.Huong is a student
D.Her father is a worker
Câu 14: Read and answer the questions below.
Huong is eleven. She is in grade six. She lives in a small house in HCM City with her
parents. They are both workers. Every morning, Huong gets up at six. She brushes her teeth
and does morning exercise. She gets dressed and leaves house at half past six. She eats
breakfast at a food stall near her school. The school is near her house, so she walks there.
She has classes at seven to a quarter past eleven. She walks home and has lunch at twelve.
Questions: Where does she live? .
A. He lives in a small house in HCM City
B. She lives in a big house in HCM City
C. She lives in a large house in HCM Čity
D. She lives in a small house in HCM City
lê phúc thịnh
O 01: 29:41
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