Sano Manjiro | Chat Online
03/12/2021 09:11:26

Complete the conversation

VII. Complete the conversation.

Nick:   Hello Alex. Please tell me (1) __________ do I get to your house?

Alex:   Will you be coming by car or by bus?

Nick:   I will be coming by car. Please tell me the easiest (2) __________ of getting to your house.

Alex:   Take the Jennens Road. (3) __________ to Howe Street. Then turn right (4) __________ the roundabout and take the second right. My house is on the left (5) __________ to the pet store.

Nick:   Thank you so much.

Alex:   My (6) __________.

VIII. Choose the word which best fits each gap.

      Newquay is small town (1) __________ the Atlantic coast in the south of England. It has got

great beaches and is the (2) __________ place to surf in the UK.

      In Newquay, there are lots of other things to do as (3) __________ as surfing. If you likewater sports, you can go kayaking, water-skiing or coasteering. Coasteering is different because it is rock climbing, jumping into the sea and swimming in the same activity, but you (4) __________ always go with a special instructor.

      If you like animals you can also visit the Blue Reef Aquarium and (5) __________ a lot of different fish and even sharks. You can also go (6) __________ on the beach or visit NewquayZoo. Come and see for yourself.

1.   a. in                             b. on                                                d. to

2.   a. good                        b. better                       c. best                          d. goodest

3.   a. well                          b. much                       c. soon                         d. far

4.   a. shall                         b. may                         c. could                       d. should

5.   a. see                           b. like                          c. get                           d. look

6.   a. horse ride                b. horse riding             c. riding horse             d. ride horse

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