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09/12/2021 16:32:38

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21. We’re  having a party at the weekend. “Great ! Who ___?

A. will being invited       B. is going to invite       C. is going to be invited                        D. will invite

23. I’ll give you a map ___   A. in order  for you find the way all right       B. so that you will find the way all right 

C. in order that you can find the way all right                                           D. B and C are correct

24. He was busy ____ his homework      A. doing                       B. to do            C. that he was doing      D. he was doing

25. We’re so proud ___ her for telling the truth    A. on              B. with                          C. of                 D. for

26. You can ____ a lot of information from the Internet onto your own computer, but it can take a lot of time

A. take                          B. print             C. save                         D. download                                        

27. When they were in Cairo they took a ____ to see the Pyramids. A. voyage     B. travel            C. trip   D. journey

28. Martha Thomas was an American educator who stood for equal ____rights for women 

A. educated                  B. educational               C. educating                 D. educationally

29. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not __ your set. A. change     B. adjust      C. repair  D. switch

30. He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to _____ him to go A. persuade  B. suggest            C. make            D. encourage

31. ____ is a camera which records moving pictures and sounds 

A. Cell phone                            B. CD-ROM                   C. Camcorder                D. Modem

32. The Super Bowl was ____ via satellite to over 100 countries A. transmitted  B. received  C. spread      D. showed

33. Will you _ after the party ?    A. call me off                B. get me on                 C. take me up               D. pick me up

34. He came in and didn’t say anything , ___ worried all of us. A. that      B. who              C. whom           D. which

35. Nobody ventured outdoors ____ the hurricanes warnings. A. despite  B. although       C. because of   D. because

36. Who ____ was coming to see me this morning? A. you said B. did you say C. did you say that   D. you did say

37. I took the TOEFL. It was really hard.” “___ a lot before you took it”

A. Have you studied                  B. Did you study                       C. Had you studied       D. Do you study

38. Geography is a scientific study of ___ A. numbers, calculations and forms  B. past events of a country, a continent or the world  C. plants, trees and their structures   D. the earth’s surface, physical features, climate, weather and population

39. The assembly line, _____ by Henry Ford, has brought about many significant changes in automobile production 

A. that was invented      B. what was invented                 C. was invented                         D. which was invented

40. On the first day of the New Year, many Vietnamese people are used to going to __ to pray for good fortune during the year A. market           B. supermarket        C. pagoda                 D. cave 

41. Vung Tau is one of the leading east coast resorts of Vietnam           

A. places where people go on holiday                                      B. places where people have medical tests

C. places where people go on business                                     D. places where people learn foreign languages

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