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14/12/2021 20:14:25

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word for each question make some changes if needed

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word for each question, make some 
changes if needed.
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
8. a. At the time he was divorcing his wife to whom he had been
than three years.
b. The couple shared similar goals and both had parents who
for less
for older people.
9. a. Gas and electricity are one of the biggest financial
b. He said that his nephew, though very bright, gave up university halfway through because he
'didn't want the financial
10. a. The decision to cut back on film-making had a catastrophic effect on the
of new talent.
b. The human organism learns partly by
, partly by nurture.
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