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16/12/2021 09:31:04

Choose the best answer

Mấy bn gải giúp mn vứi.
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I/ Choose the best answer
1. Which city is
A. Large
2. The people in Hoi An is incredibly
A. Friend
Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City?
C. largest
D. the largest
and helpful.
D. friendship
B. larger
B. friendly
C. friends
3. The map says Tan Ky House
A. Are
В. is
C. do
D. does
_is Khang's neighbourhood? – It's in the suburbs of Da Nang
A. Why
5. What
B. What
C. When
D. Where
_the people there like? – They're friendly.
С. do
A. Are
6. The streets in the old quarter in Ha Noi are not wide. They are
B. is
D. does
B. quite
7. "Is there a temple in your neighbourhood?" –
B. No, there aren't
A. Exciting
C. narrow
D. noisy
A. Yes, it is
C. Yes, there is D. No, is there
8. "Shall we go swimming?" –“.
A. No, thank you B. Me, too
9. Take the second turning
C. Yes, let's
the right.
D. Oh, sure
А. On
В. in
C. to
D. at
10. Football is an
A. Outdoor
B. indoor
C. individual
D. inside
11. "Is there a theatre
А. On
your neighbourhood?" – “Yes, there is."
C. with
В. in
D. at
12. Mike's exam results are
than Nick's.
A. Important
13. Susan is not happy because her results in the competition are
B. good
C. well
D. better
her sister's.
А. Bad
B. good
C. better
D. worse
people own motorbikes now than ten years ago.
С. More
economical than that type.
C. many
A. Many
B. Much
D. Some
15. This type of car is
А. More
B. much
D. as
_city with many old
16. London, the capital city of England, is a
buildings and beautiful parks.
A. History
C. largest
there a theater in your neighbourhood?
B. historic
D. larger
А. Is
B. Are
C. Do
D. Does
18. The cinema is
the corner of the street.
А. On
В. at
С. in
D. into
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