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26/12/2021 10:23:00

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions

Exercise 5. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


Do yousometimes have problemswithyourneighborssuch as noise or littering ? Well, the people of Pilton in Somerset, England have suchproblemseverysummer , For three or four dayseveryyear, the village is full of people of all ageswhocomeshere for the annual Glastonbury pop music festival. Theyusuallystay in tents. Caravans and motorhomes. Theyleave drink cans and papers all over the streets. The music playsuntil the earlyhours of the morning,and you can hear people talking and singing all night, The quiet country village becomes a nightmare to live in and somevillagers are eventhinking of moving to another village. A villagersaid last year «I don’twant to stop the Glastonbury Festival. I justwant the fans to enjoy the festival duringdisturbingnomal village life. »

1. Whathappened in Pilton, Somerset everysummer ?

       A. The villagerslitter the streets.                      B. There is a pop music festival.      

       C. There are manyvillagers.                              D. The neighbors are noisy.

2.Visitors litter the streets with______________

       A. cans and papers       B. caravans                 C. motorhomes           D.  tents

3. How long is the pop music festival every year ?

       A. The wholesummer   B. One night                                                     

       C. Three or four days                                         D. The wholeyear

4. What is Pilton like during the rest of the year?

       A. noisy place               B. A quiet village       C. A nightmare           D. A music concert

5. The villagersjustwant to______________

       A. put an end to the festival                             B. stop the fans enjoying the festival

       C. move far away          D. have a normal life as usual

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