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27/12/2021 14:32:25

Choose the most suitable sentence that can be made from the words given in each of the following questions

Choose the most suitable sentence that can be made from the words given in each of the following questions.

Question 31. This exercise is very difficult and he can’t do it.

A. This exercise is too difficult for him to do.

B. This exercise isn’t too difficult for him to do.

C. This exercise is too difficult with him to do.

D. It is to difficult for him to do.

Question 32. Barbara plays chess better than Mike.

A. Mike doesn’t play chess as well as Barbara.

B. Mike doesn’t plays chess as well as Barbara.

C. Mike don’t play chess as well as Barbara.

D. Mike doesn’t play chess as good as Barbara.

Question 33. My brother / strong / my sister.

A. My brother is more strong than my sister.

B. My brother is stronger as my sister.

C. My brother is stronger than my sister.

D. My brother is as strong than my sister.

Question 34. My school / big / my brother’s school.

A. My school is biger than my brother’s school.

B. My school is bigger than my brother’s school.

C. My school is as big than my brother’s school.

D. My school is bigger as my brother’s school.

Question 35. Living in the city / exciting / living in the countryside.

A. Living in the city is more exciting than living in the countryside.

B. Living in the city is excitinger than living in the countryside.

C. Living in the city is more excitinger than living in the countryside.

D. Living in the city is as exciting than living in the countryside

Question 36. Peter’s exam results / bad / Nick’s exam results.

A. Peter’s exam results is worse than Nick’s exam results.

B. Peter’s exam results is bader than Nick’s exam results.

C. Peter’s exam results are bad than Nick’s exam results.

D. Peter’s exam results are worse than Nick’s exam results.

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