Lương Annie | Chat Online
28/12/2021 13:50:56

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each question

* Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each question.
My name is Adele and this is my husband, John. We both work in offices in Paris. We have breakfast at half past seven. We don’t have a big breakfast. We usually have bread, coffee and orange juice.
For lunch we have salad with sandwich. We usually have dinner at half past seven in the evening. It is a big meal of the day and we have meat or fish with vegetables and potatoes or rice. We have orange juice with the milk. On Saturday evenings we go to a restaurant for dinner at about eight o’clock.
Question 25. Adele and John have _________.
A. a big breakfast                                   B. a light breakfast
C. breakfast with eggs                              D. breakfast with meat
Question 26. What do they have for lunch?
A. salad with sandwich                            B. soup and fish
C. sandwich and fish                               D. salad and soup
Question 27. What time do they usually have dinner?
A. 7:30                    B. 8:00                    C. 6:30                    D. 7:15
Question 28. Where do they have dinner on Saturday evenings?
A. at their friend’s house   B. at a hotel      C. at home               D. at a restaurant
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