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28/12/2021 20:34:37

Read the following passage and mark the letter

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Oak city is a great city. There's so (1)............. to do ! There are cinemas, parks and discos. It's got some great clothes and music shops (2)............ Oak city is very modern and beautiful. There aren't any (3)............. buildings and there's some beautiful (4).............. around the city. Is there any pollution in the Oak city? There isn'tmuch pollution (5)............. there isn't much traffic. Everyone travels (6)............... bike and walks, so there aren't many accidents. No one works, so everyone has got a lot of free time. Are there any unfriendly people in Oak city?- No, so come and spend a little time here.

1. A. much                  B. many                       C. some                       D. any

2. A. neither                B. either                      C. too                         D. so

3. A. beautiful             B. ugly                        C. pretty                      D. unpleasant

4. A. scenery               B. scene                       C. view                        D. sight

5. A. so                        B. because                   C. although                 D. if

6. A. so                        B. in                            C. with                        D. by

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