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01/01/2022 16:00:17

Complete the conversation

VII. Complete the conversation. What does Linda say to Nick. For questions 1 – 5, mark the correct letter A- H on your answer sheet. There is one example. (5 points)

Nick:  Linda, you went to university, didn’t you?

            Can I ask you  something?

Linda: (0)  ______C______________

Nick:   I can’t decide what subject to study at


Linda: (1)___________________________

Nick:   I always do well in chemistry exams.

Linda: (2)__________________________

Nick:  I don’t agree. I don’t like it. What I really

           enjoy studying is history.

Linda: (3)_____________________________

Nick: Yes, They all say I should choose the subject

           I enjoy the most.

Linda: (4)____________________________

Nick: Well. Dad want me to do business studies so

           I can earn a lot like you.

Linda: (5)____________________________

Nick:  so, I should choose history then.

A. I don’t like history much.

B. What about your parents?

C. Of course you can. What’s the problem?

D. Well, that’s an interesting and useful science subject.

E. Where will you study?

F. I agree, money is quite important but I think your teachers are right.

G. Have you talked to your teachers about it?

H. Which subject are you best at?

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