kuri cte | Chat Online
04/01/2022 08:00:22

Chọn đáp án

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2. The house is dirty. I need to
and clean it.
B. do the shopping C. do the laundry
in the moning.
A. make breakfast
D. sweep the floor
3. My mother always
A. make breakfast
B. makes breakfast C. make lunch
D. makes dinner
4. We're out of milk. Can you buy some when you
A. do the shopping B. make lunch
5. "What housework does your brother do?" - "He
A. gets
C. clean the kitchen D. feed the cat
the dishes."
B. does
C. works
D. makes
6. My house is
A. on two floors
7. Vietnamese people
A. eat
B. in the two floor C. on the second floor D. in the second floor
a special meal with their families on New Year's Eve.
B. drink
C. give
D. do
8. This is a place where people make things.
A. Airport
B. Factory
C. Police station
D. Store
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