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22/07/2024 22:43:42

Complete these sentences using the verb given, use the past simple or past perfect, past continuous

Giải vs giải thích giúp mình vs ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
(be) there ten years before.
9. He
....... (give) me advice after I
10. On my last visit to my hometown, I
(not change) much.
11. My boss
(show) everyone my holiday photos.
12. A friendly American couple
................ the decision. (make)
(find) that it
(come) into the office just as I
(start) chatting to me
(check in) at the hotel.
(taste) much better after she
(add) more salt to it.
times before they
as I
13. The soup
14. They
15. I
(come) round to look at the house three
(decide) to buy it.
(hope) to go away this weekend, but my boss
(give) me some work that I have to finish by Monday.
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