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26/08/2024 20:00:47

Using the Verb "To be"

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 1
Using the Verb "To be"
Write the correct form of the verb "To be" in present tense.

Example: I (be) am happy.
1) I (be) _____ tired.
2) I (be) _____ hungry.
3) I (be) _____ late!

Example: He / She / It (be) is happy.
4) He (be) _____ cool.
5) She (be) _____ pretty.
6) It (be) _____ fast.

Now we’ll use nouns instead of pronouns...
10) John (be) _____ excited.
11) Tiffany and Uma (be) _____ my friends.
12) Ricardo, John and I (be) _____ watching a movie.
13) Hadil (be) _____ kind.
14) Alisa (be) _____ young.
15) The hammer (be) _____ new.
16) My mother and father (be) _____ cooking dinner.
17) Rachel (be) _____ driving to school.

18) Nikkos and Billy (be) _____ playing at the park.
19) The students (be) _____ studying English.
20) The test (be) _____ hard!
21) My best friend (be) _____ coming to my house.
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