Djt mẹ yêu cái lồn | Chat Online
31/08/2024 15:44:22

You water those flowers regularly, they will wither

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Unless you water those flowers regularly, they will wither.
If …
2. The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it.
The water was not …
3. I was very busy, so I couldn’t go to the meeting.
If …
4. I’d rather you didn’t smoke in here.
He told me …
5. I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night.
I wish …
6. Maria will be ready any minute, and then we must leave.
We must leave as soon …
7. “Where have they gone?”, she asked me.
She asked me …
8. How long is it since they bought the house?
When …
9. What a pity you failed your test!
I wish …
There …
10. We’ve run out of tea.

11. Can you ask somebody to send these letters before tomorrow?
Can you have …?
12. The furniture was so expensive that I couldn’t buy it.
The furniture was too …
13. He could not afford to buy the car.
The car …
14. You’d better not touch that switch.
If I …
15. The garage is going to repair the car for us next month.
We are …
16. I’d like you to help me to put the chair away.
Do you mind …?
17. He has had it for three weeks.
He bought …
18. He will have to do this problem tomorrow.
This problem …
19. Someone stole his bike yesterday.
He …
20. I’d prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday.
I’d rather …
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