Phạm Văn Bắc | Chat Online
13/09/2024 10:30:21

Complete the text with “said” or “told” (Hoàn thành văn bản với “said” hoặc “told”) Dan (1) Bev that he had bought her a new phone. She looked at it and (2) him that it was too big. He (3) her that they were all that big nowadays. She (4) she wanted him to change it. He (5) that he couldn't change it and (6) her that it had cost a lot of money. She (7) she didn't care and (8) him she wouldn't use it.

Complete the text with “said” or “told” (Hoàn thành văn bản với “said” hoặc “told”)

Dan (1) Bev that he had bought her a new phone. She looked at it and (2) him that it was too big. He (3) her that they were all that big nowadays. She (4) she wanted him to change it. He (5) that he couldn't change it and (6) her that it had cost a lot of money. She (7) she didn't care and (8) him she wouldn't use it.

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