INDUSTRIALIZATION AND POLLUTION Industrialization has provided us with material comfort and modem (1) ____. Electrical appliances and efficient gadgets ease our daily chores. Yet, there is a heavy price tag attached to this convenience. Large-scale industrialization is killing the world.Today there is a strong emphasis on the halt of CFC usage. CFCs, otherwise known as chloro-fluoro-carbons, are ozone depleting chemicals. They (2) ____ burn a hole in the earth’s atmosphere and we, on the Earth, ...

Tôi yêu Việt Nam | Chat Online
07/09 15:24:09 (Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12)
5 lượt xem


Industrialization has provided us with material comfort and modem (1) ____. Electrical appliances and efficient gadgets ease our daily chores. Yet, there is a heavy price tag attached to this convenience. Large-scale industrialization is killing the world.Today there is a strong emphasis on the halt of CFC usage. CFCs, otherwise known as chloro-fluoro-carbons, are ozone depleting chemicals. They (2) ____ burn a hole in the earth’s atmosphere and we, on the Earth, suffer from the strong radiation (3) ____ by the sun’s rays. Household (4) ____ like refrigerators, aerosol cans, air-conditioners and styrofoam containers contain ozone depleting chemicals.

The hole in the sky allows harmful radiation to reach the Earth. As a result, the temperature on the Earth will (5) ____. This is alarming because polar ice-caps will melt in the heat. Ocean levels will rise and islands will gradually be flooded.

Industrialization has provided us with material comfort and modem (1) ____.
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