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Samuel Polo
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2022-09-01 13:16:02
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40 Best Reflective Essay Topic Ideas

A reflective essay is an essay that conveys the personal opinion of the author. This essay is about the personal beliefs, experiences, and opinions of the writer. It allows you to explain your thoughts and feelings about a certain subject, instead of just laying out the facts. The sole purpose of a reflective essay is to convince the reader of your viewpoint. Make sure the reader understands your personal experience clearly. Ignore what other people think about the topic and write what you truly believe without fear of persecution. If you are thinking, “how will I write my essay?”, then do not worry as you have come to the right place.

Reflective essays are common in disciplines such as English, social sciences, social work, psychology, and humanities. Some graduate schools may also want you to write a reflective essay as an admission application. At some point in your university career, you will be asked to write a reflective essay. Reflective essays will commonly cover topics such as a deeply personal experience, a story, your imagination, a place, a possession very important to the essay writer, something you have read, and something you have seen. Some reflective essay topics are as follows:

  1. Visit your favorite vacation spot
  2. First trip outside the country
  3. First hiking trip
  4. Favorite hangout spot
  5. Your first voting experience
  6. Visit to another school
  7. Visit to a museum
  8. Visit to a zoo
  9. Most memorable college experiences
  10. Relocating to a new city
  11. Relationship with your favorite family member
  12. First love experience
  13. Most embarrassing moment
  14. Relationship with your siblings
  15. Experiencing a beautiful sunset
  16. Experience of a national disaster
  17. Ocean diving experience
  18. Mountain climbing experience
  19. Swimming in the ocean
  20. Favorite TV program
  21. Favorite subject in school
  22. Favorite professor
  23. Memories of your first house
  24. Favorite move experience
  25. How you spent a holiday
  26. First time you drove a car
  27. First time you drove a bike
  28. Favorite childhood memory
  29. Favorite personality
  30. The best speech you have ever heard
  31. Experience of helping a stranger
  32. Favorite sports
  33. Favorite novel
  34. Funniest incident that happened with you
  35. Unpleasant visit to a doctor
  36. Unpleasant interview
  37. Your favorite restraint
  38. Visit to a garden
  39. The scariest nightmare
  40. A family trips

A reflective essay includes the description of an experience and how the experience made you feel. What were the feelings before, during, and after the experience? You can evaluate when it went well or did not go well during the experience. What were the positive and negative aspects of the experience and how would you analyze the experience? If you are writing a reflection about something you read then you can think about what you learned from the reading and how it will change the way you look at things in the future. The writer can use first-person statements such as “I believe” or “it is my opinion”. This helps the reader understand that what they are reading is the writer’s perspective and opinion and should not be considered a fact. It can be accepted as an educated opinion. If you want to get your paper written professionally then you can always approach a credible essay writing service.

Gibbs reflective cycle can be used to examine the experiences you had in a structured manner. It has six steps; the first three steps focus on what happened and the last three steps focus on how you can improve in the future. The first step is the description step. In this phase, you can describe the experience or the event. Describe the place, people, the actions of the people, and the result of the situation.

The second step of the cycle is to write about your feelings. Describe how the situation made you feel, and the change in feelings before, during, and after the event. The third step of the cycle is evaluation in which you can evaluate the positive and negative aspects of the event. The fourth step is the analysis in which you find the reasons for your evaluation step. The fifth step is the conclusion in which you describe what you have learned. The final step is the development of an action plan which describes how you will do things differently in the future.

The structure of the reflective essay is like any other essay. The first paragraph is the introduction with the thesis statement. The next paragraphs are the body paragraphs which should start with a topic sentence and the text supporting the thesis. After three or four body paragraphs come to the conclusion which may restate the thesis and may provide recommendations and suggestions

The introduction can describe expectations before reading based on the title abstract or introduction. State in the introduction what you are reflecting upon. Is it a passage, a lecture, or an academic article? Briefly summarize the main points of the reading. Add a thesis statement in the last sentence that contains your conclusion or learning from the reading. A thesis can start with phrases like “from this reading I learned or concluded that”. A thesis can also tell how the reading affected you.

All of the content in the body paragraphs of the essay should support and reflect the thesis statement given in the introductory paragraph. The body paragraph should explain how you arrive at the conclusion using the reading or the experience. Every body paragraph should have one conclusion clear in the topic sentence. In the conclusion, restate your thesis and summarize the conclusions you came to while reading. The conclusion should describe the overall lesson. However, as I said, if you need help you can always approach a credible Reflective essays are very common in academic writing as you can be asked to reflect on various sources and these are used by the professors to judge your point of view or opinion. Therefore, polish your skills so you can make a good impression on your professor.

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Samuel Polo
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2022-09-01 13:15:43
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Writing Your Term Paper 2022

A term paper is an assignment that has to be submitted at the end of the semester. It is very important, as teachers use it as a measure and evaluate your progress in the course. It should be well written because it demonstrates your grip on a course in the semester. Good technical writing skills and adequate research can improve your grade because they usually hold a large weight "write my essay". Usually, a term paper is a research paper but it may also be a scientific report, a discussion on a topic, or an essay and requires intense research. If you need help you can always consult a credible essay writer for good grades.

Your teacher may assign you a topic for your term paper or he may ask you to choose a topic. If you are free to choose a topic then always select that area in which you are interested and curious about. Try to research scholarly resources that have been published in recent years. It is recommended to choose a contemporary idea as arguments for traditional ideas have become redundant and boring.

Before you start writing your paper, read the instructions provided by your teacher. When planning your paper keep the required rubric in mind and plan accordingly. Consider questions like “how many pages or time do I have to essay writer?" or what is the minimum or maximum word limit specified. Conduct your research according to the length of the paper. For lengthy papers conduct extensive research and collect ample evidence to support your claims. If you have any questions or queries about the instructions do not hesitate to ask your teacher for guidance.

After you have conducted research, you are in a position to write a proposal for your research. Analyze the direction of the research you conducted and find out the research gaps. You must have a grip on all angles of your research as you have to defend it to your instructor. A proposal should include the title, objectives of your research, and importance of your research. Keep in mind that your topic should be relevant to your course. Get the proposal approved by your instructor before you start working on it. You can always take help from a credible essay writing service to help you write your proposal.

You will be required to cite the evidence that you have collected during your research. It is very important because if done incorrectly, you might be accused of plagiarizing someone else's work. If you have selected a topic related to social sciences, use the American Psychological Association format. If your paper is related to liberal arts and humanities then you can use the Modern Language Association format.

Before any research paper is written the best practice to do is to create an outline. It is recommended to start making your outline while you are conducting research. Keep editing your work as you come across different ideas. The format of an outline should be like a typical research paper. It may go like this: title page, abstract, contents, introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, conclusion, and references.

You can start with the title page. It contains the title of the paper and your credentials. Carefully format it according to the rubric. Next, you have to write the abstract which is a brief descriptive summary of your paper. You can write it at the end when you have completed your body paragraphs. Also, add a table of contents to assist the reader.

The introductory paragraph should be well written as you need to grab the attention of the reader. A hook can be used for this purpose so start your introduction with a meaningful hook that is related to your topic. Then provide a brief context or background of the topic that you have chosen and lead the reader to the thesis statement or the research question depending on your paper.

Using the research you have conducted previously, write a brief literature review. A good literature review can be written by creating a catalog of articles that you go through. This is done by writing down the information as you research so that you do not forget it later. Therefore remember this tip while you do your research.

The methodology section contains the design and execution of your research strategy. You should craft a separate heading for this section as it is important. It highlights the way you collected data for your research which is called a sampling strategy, data collection strategy, and data analysis strategy. It explains the kinds of methods used to calculate the results. The methods can be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed. Once you have selected the strategies then the final step is to execute and document the results.

The final step is to present and discuss your findings in a structured way. It can be divided into two parts which are the results and the discussion. The results section only presents the processed data while the discussion section interprets the results and explains their meaning. Results include numbers, tables, and graphs. The discussion section explains what these mean concerning the research question.

The final step is to write a good conclusion section. An impressive conclusion highlights all the key findings in your paper and explains the implications of the findings. Key findings are those results that directly relate to your original research questions "". It is a reminder to the reader of what you were researching. Implications explain what the key findings mean for the industry or the research area. Finally, add a correctly formatted reference page and you are done with your term paper.

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Samuel Polo
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2022-09-01 13:15:20
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Rhetorical Essay Writing - Things You Must Include

Rhetoric is the art of using language to persuade people's attitudes and influence their behavior. Analysis means to write my essay and take something and break it down into different meaningful parts. Therefore, rhetorical analysis is identifying and breaking down the persuasive strategies used by someone about a specific topic. A rhetorical analysis essay can be on a text written by someone or a speech given by someone. If you are thinking “how should I write my essay?” then you do not need to worry because you have come to the right place.

It is commonly accepted that all writing should be organic but academic exams demand that certain things must be included in the essay. To ensure the successful writing of a rhetorical analysis essay, the essay writer has to follow certain guidelines. Therefore, the following blog will provide recommendations for rhetorical essay composition. Guidelines for the form and structure are provided as they are very important and need to be incorporated in the essay.

Let’s start with the first paragraph which is the introduction paragraph. The introduction paragraph should be kept brief and to the point. Do not make it too short as that might make it look rushed. Similarly, make sure it is not too long because the reader may get bored or may not have the time to read a lengthy introduction. Do not talk about your personal experiences in the introduction paragraph as this is not the place to write them. You should not try to define the rhetorical devices in the introduction and may save them for later.

The introduction paragraph should explain the purpose of the writing as early as possible. Misidentifying the purpose is surely going to be detrimental for your grade so, carefully understanding the purpose is important. Identify the tone of the piece you are analyzing and try to incorporate it from the introduction paragraph. If you are struggling in this regard then you can always consult a competent essay writer.

The introductory paragraph should start with the context of the piece you are analyzing. You can provide the name of the writer, the genre or theme of the text, occasion, title of the piece, year, and the relevant important events of that year. It is recommended that the first sentence is written as a compound sentence to grab the reader's attention. The first sentence of the introduction should set the stage.

Introduce the writer of the text briefly in the next sentences of the introduction by providing his background and occupation. Explain clearly about the audience as there is always an intended audience. Try to recognize the audience according to the intention of the writer. Provide an overall context or a brief background of the main idea of the text.

The introduction should end in the thesis statement. The thesis statement can include the purpose of the text and rhetorical strategies. If the thesis statement becomes really packed you can split it into two sentences. The things you can include in a thesis are the writer's name or pronoun, the purpose of writing that is actually your claim, rhetorical devices, and rhetorical strategies.

The body paragraphs can be written in two ways that are chronologically or sectionally. Chronologically means that you highlight the strategies at the beginning, middle, and end of the text. Sectionally means that you identify paragraphs that have the same idea and discuss them as one section. Notify the reader of the specific parts of the text that you are analyzing. Every point you make should be connected with the thesis statement.

The first sentence of the body paragraph should be the topic sentence. It determines where the paragraph is going. This sentence should include one of the strategies that are mentioned in the thesis statement and the rationale of the essay writing service. The middle sentences of the body give support, evidence, and reasons to explain the topic sentence. In this portion, you give your analysis. There should be one strategy per body paragraph. Add quotes from small portions of the text and follow them with an explanation.

The last sentence reflects what has been discussed in the body paragraph. It is called the concluding sentence and it should not offer any new explanations. This sentence should inform the reader that the paragraph is about to conclude. It should connect back to the topic sentence and ultimately the thesis statement. The conclusion paragraph should be brief and concise. It should be smaller than the introduction. Do not add new quotes in the conclusion and do not restate the strategies. Try to talk about the combined effect of the strategies.

A rhetorical device is a technique used by an author or speaker to persuade the listener or reader about a topic. The author may want to convince the reader to and look at a different perspective and agree with his position. There are various rhetorical devices but we will discuss some of the common ones that you can use in your rhetorical essay.

First is the rhetorical question which is a question asked to make a point and not intended to be answered. The second is Allusion which is a reference to a person, place, idea, or thing of importance. The third is repetition in which words are repeated by the author for emphasis. Fourth is parallelism when the author uses words or phrases that are not identical but have the same grammatical structure. The last three are ethos, logos, and pathos. Ethos is an appeal to the writer's credibility, logos is the use of logical reasoning, and pathos is the use of emotions.

To conclude, a good rhetorical essay should follow the guidelines described above. It should be well structured and have smooth transitions. The style and language should also be formal and academic. You can easily contact an essay writing service too and get a high-quality essay in no time.

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Samuel Polo
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2022-09-01 13:09:17
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Research Paper: The Ultimate Writing Guide

A research paper is an academic piece of writing that involves discussion and argumentation aimed at extracting certain findings. It involves an analysis of other research as well as the writer’s experiments. Today this write-up is going to write my essay and be about an ultimate guide to writing effective research papers. However, you can also consult a paper writing service in this regard. Many platforms are operating online.

Learning techniques and skills related to research papers are highly important. Research papers are an integral part of an educational career. So, we are going to proceed step by step. It is suggested that students focus on each step carefully and note down essential details. Without proper note-taking, students tend to forget things.

Focus on the Rubric

First of all, you should always pay attention to the rubric and instructions given by your essay writer. For instance, they include font size, cover page requirements, citation style, spacing, and research topics. Not paying heed to the rubric spoils your hard work and dedication.


You should always make plans regarding your academic activities. Due to the immense workload, students can not submit assignments on time. The same goes for a research paper. Certain mobile applications can help you manage your workload and plan everything. A research paper takes quite a long time, so it should be started after thorough planning.

Brainstorming & Preliminary Research

Now that you have planned everything, it is time for some hard brainstorming. You should just take a sheet of paper and write down all the relevant details that come to your mind. The details are regarding the exact research topic, the reference material, the methodology, and some questions that you might have. In addition, it is better to check out online sources for your initial research.

Frame a Research Question

After thorough brainstorming and preliminary research, you should narrow down your thoughts on a single research question. That would be the center of your research. However, you can have another research question under your sleeve if the first one does not go ahead. Here are some examples of research questions:

  1. How did the military-industrial complex influence the global dominance of the US?
  2. What are the legal flaws in the UN Charter?
  3. How are social relations influenced by modern technology?
  4. Why is there a need for more renewable energy projects?

Crafting an Outline

Some students do not appreciate the value of the outline. The outline is highly necessary for writing a research paper. It helps you keep track of your thoughts. Moreover, an outline enables you to be an organized academic essay writing service. Keeping in mind all the requirements, make a comprehensive outline. It should include everything from the introduction, literature review, methods, findings, and conclusion.

The Real Research

Now that you are done with the basics, this is the time to turn to some intellectual pursuit. You can visit online libraries or google scholar to do thorough research for your paper. When you come across scholarly works, just go through the abstract, introduction, and findings. Take note of all the works that are relevant to your study.

Proper Citations

Before citing your sources, it is better to know different citation styles. Some students mix up citation styles which leaves a very bad impression at the end. It is advised that you visit online guides for learning citation techniques. However, you can also consult an expert essay writer to help you out. It takes some burden off your shoulders.

Students should especially know the techniques of in-text citation. Some famous citation styles are APA, MLA, AMA, Chicago, and Harvard. However, it always depends on the rubric.

The Rough Draft

While writing the first draft, you ought to pay attention to good writing techniques, proper grammar, and relevant transitions. While writing, you might feel the need to add some more sources. Along with peer-reviewed sources, you can also add government statistics and news reports. However, it is reiterated that you pay attention to the directions issued by the instructor.

Editing the Draft

After you are done with your first draft, you should take some time to edit it. Editing is done for the purpose of refinement. If you feel that some essential details have been left out, then you should add them. On the other hand, if you think that there are some additional or irrelevant details, then you should remove them.

Having a Second Opinion

After you have gone through your paper, try to have a second opinion on it. It is wise to get your draft reviewed by a friend or a senior. This always helps because sometimes your personal biases take away the objectivity of the research.

The Final Draft

After going through all the hard work, it is time to develop the final draft. It would not be much different but there is always a space for improvement. Make adjustments related to sentence structure, citation style, and grammatical errors in the final draft. Some online tools can help you in terms of sentence structure and grammar.


Academic writing is an art. When I was instructed to SharkPapers, I found it quite difficult. Thus, I took some online platforms. Writing a research paper requires focus, diligence, and a certain skill set. If you do not follow the academic rules, you will not get a good score. In addition, objectivity is the essential feature of all research papers. You should stay true to your research and remove all the biases that might hinder your findings.

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Samuel Polo
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2022-04-08 14:26:57
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Persuasive Essay: Why is Education Important in Our Society?


Writing strong essays is everything with the exception of a tricky errand tolerating essay writer select the theme particularly. Accepting you significantly need to persuade others with your examinations, contemplations, or assessments, you should have control over that subject. Various individuals utilize different appealing system in surveys, reactions, and notice to persuade individuals. This kind of essay is utilized to give your point such colossal premises and check, which could influence the peruser to concur with your perspective or get persuaded with your solid writing procedures.


Skills Hub - Presenting your essay


Normally, a charming essay contains three sections which are an issue, confirmation, and check. The issue is the point about which debate should construct. The issue ought to be an unfriendly subject in which you can guarantee your perspective and others can struggle with your thought with their references. For writing a solid convincing essay, an essay writer can help you.

The case is the side you acknowledge is right, for example, "maybe in help." 'You need to pick one side on which you produce your debate. Check is the evidence to cause the peruser to concur about your case. Straightforwardly following picking a side or your focal attestation, you need to introduce solid cases by picking critical premises, supporting those premises, or explanations behind picking your case with solid sources known as proof.

A peruser can concur with your point gave that/he acknowledges that you have addressed a persuading viewpoint with different premises kept up with by proof. For instance, I have little to no faith in heading confinement. In Asian nations, there is no question that most ladies are difficulties and setbacks. In any case, this is more splendid to say, and ladies are not safeguarding from one side of the planet to the next since they are heading touchy and less strong than men. In any case, regardless of what this reality, I comparably can't totally concur with the unending and wild ladies' chances affiliations that are not even true with them. Considering everything, they are simply playing in different hands for their own extraordinary advantages. Assuming I am sure about what to say, I can battle perfectly to fulfill others.

What's more, picking the subject is badly arranged on the grounds that you truly need to set up a debate in your brain completely. Incessantly select a problematic or exceptional subject with the objective that you can track down different examinations, whether yours or from different references, sources, and references. It is not difficult to make an essay considering set up or made reflections going before making them on paper. With this framework, you never miss any examination you have as of late tried to work on dazzling writing. Moreover, you never lose hold tight the subject. Notwithstanding, assuming you notice it endeavoring to pick a fitting subject, you can request that skilled writers write my essay.

One more direct technique for achieving your writing assignment is request an amazing and drawing in subject with your aide. They will truly have to oversee it better than you. It radiates an impression of being direct and reasonable for the students to write about it, yet assembling data about a typical subject is truly inconvenient. Right when you begin writing, you have a huge load of confirmations write about, and at a time, your mind is spilling over with various contemplations, yet an outstanding writer knows how to write down the expected and critical focuses to set up a specific writing piece.

There is another fundamental point that ought to be thought of: attempting to zero in bumbling on the doled out issues and hit the solicitations concerning the subject that could emerge in the brain of a peruser. There are so many subjects that could be utilized to write about. A few social issues are more dead serious and begging to be proven wrong, and risky. Students can administer it capably. For instance, the importance of mentoring, desperation, clinical advantages structure, student coordinating, broadening street mishap adversities, persevering prescription use, developing Internet use, poor mental flourishing issues, despondent, and its causes, developing foolish endeavors.

It very well may be related with quick doorways like It could be on cash related issues. The potential issue is the most easy to negate subject. A sound society hopes to show people in ordinary official issues and political figures' grimy games. It's moreover worked for in general political consideration.

While essay writing service writing a solid essay, begin with your perspectives, then, give proof to help your perspectives. By this show, you convince the gatherings to satisfy such a kind of scholastic writing task. It is all the more clear for the everyday schedule to find help from virtual redirection, TV, the web, or print media while making clashes in their essays.

It also gives care and plans out to offer something imaginative and put some odd perspective hurtful for society from the beginning. Notwithstanding, resolved issues give one more going to consider. Regardless, you can say by the convincing essay; you can acknowledge a positive part in your general populace's new development. A few other amazing concentrations for conversation would be useful for the students, as natural changes and moving toward difficulties. Students can figure out the entire characteristic, and with the assistance of strings and checks, they can instruct others.

A few extra interesting concentrations while writing an enticing essay: dependably start a piece with the most grounded struggle, which can make the peruser's advantage in your article. Different essay writing service suppliers give dynamic reports to students battling with examinations. Try to stay away from mysteries, for example, the bending confusion in which the writer picks essentially that point that is in favor of himself and overlooks any overabundance issues. Likewise, utilizing character obscuring assaults truly is assuredly not a fair method for managing writing. Else it makes mutilations in your writing. By utilizing various kinds of fumbles, the writer can lose the trust and authenticity of his writing. Recall that it is your gathering and from there on write as shown by them as you give your plans to your crucial vested party.


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