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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
29/07/2022 08:00:48

Choose the correct explanation of the meaning of each sente

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Choose the correct explanation of the meaning of each sente
1. The orchestra conductor signaled the violinists, who were to begin playing.
A. All the violinists were to begin playing.
B. Only some of the violinists were to begin playing.
2. The orchestra conductor signaled the violinists who were to begin playing.
A. All the violinists were to begin playing.
B. Only some of the violinists were to begin playing.
3. I put the vase on the top of the TV set, which is in the living room.
A. I have more than one TV set.
B. I have only one TV set.
4. I put the vase on the top of the TV set which is in the living room.
A. I have more than one TV set.
B. I have only one TV set.
5. Trees which lose their leaves in winter are called deciduous trees.
A. All trees lose their leaves in winter.
B. Only some trees lose their leaves in winter.
6. Pine tree, which are evergreen, grow well in a cold climate.
A. All pine trees are evergreen.
B. Only some pine trees are evergreen.
7. The teacher thanked the students, who had given her some flowers.
A. The flowers were from only some of the students.
B. The flowers were from all of the students.
8. The teacher thanked the students who had given her some flowers.
A. The flowers were from only some of the students.
B. The flowers were from all of the students.
9. Roberto reached down and picked up the grammar book, which was lying upside down on the floor.
A. There was only one grammar book near Roberto.
B. There was more than one grammar book near Roberto.
10. Roberto reached down and picked up the grammar book which was lying upside down on the floor.
A. There was only one grammar book near Roberto.
B. There was more than one grammar book near Roberto.
2 trả lời
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29/07/2022 08:02:39
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29/07/2022 08:03:35
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