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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
09/04/2023 17:42:37

Viết đoạn văn với đề bài sau: the advantage and disavantages of living near the site of natural wonders

Giúp mình với, mai mình th rồi
 the advantage and disavantages of livng near the site of natural wonders.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
11/04/2023 07:58:01
+5đ tặng
Living near a natural wonder can offer a range of advantages as well as some disadvantages. One of the main advantages is the access to breathtaking scenery, which can result in a higher quality of life. For example, residents of cities such as Toronto and Vancouver enjoy close proximity to iconic natural wonders such as Niagara Falls and Banff National Park. They can take advantage of the recreational activities, including hiking, skiing and water sports, and enjoy the fresh air and natural environment.

However, living near a site of natural wonder can also have some disadvantages. One of the biggest drawbacks is the potential for natural disasters. Living near mountains, for instance, increases the likelihood of the area experiencing landslides or avalanches. Meanwhile, living near a body of water can mean being at risk of flooding, and living near active volcanoes or hot springs increase the risk of volcanic eruptions.

Another disadvantage is the potential for negative environmental impacts. Communities near natural wonders often receive high amounts of tourists, which can lead to increased traffic, noise pollution and litter. Additionally, the large number of tourists may result in increased demand for infrastructure such as roads, hotels and parking lots, which could have a negative impact on the surrounding environment.

In conclusion, living near a site of natural wonder is a double-edged sword with its advantages and disadvantages. The ideal situation would be to enjoy the breathtaking scenes while also minimizing negative environmental impacts and reducing the risk of natural disasters.

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