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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
04/01 23:03:20

The level of unemployment in this district is said to be far higher than anywhere else in the country

12. The level of unemployment in this district is said to be far higher than anywhere else in the
A. This area is worse than the rest of the country, especially in terms of the quality of work that
gets done.
B. People believe that the lack of work is not so keen in the rest of the country as it is in this
C. People talk about losing their jobs much more around here than elsewhere in the country.
D. Because of its position, this region has fewer jobs on offer than other places in the country.
13. Although she said otherwise, I felt certain that she'd been offended by my remark.
A. Even though my remark was offensive, she assured me that it hadn't bothered her.
B. I was sure my words had caused her no offence; otherwise, she'd have told me.
C. I was in no doubt, because of her later attitude to me, that she was insulted by my comment.
D. I was convinced that she'd taken my comment as an insult despite her claim to the contrary.
14. Only by staying in the city for at least a week would it be possible for one to see all the sites.
A. If you wanted to look at all the sites in the city, you would need to be there not less than a
B. A week at the most was enough to visit all the sites in the city.
C. You should extend your stay here for another week if you want to see all the sites in the city.
D. Even though you may stay there longer, it only needs a week to see all the attractions.
15. We can't speak of our economy as healthy when there is a widening gap between the rich
and the poor.
A. Our economy is improving, so there will be less difference between the rich and the poor.
B. If our economy were better handled, there would be less of a gap between the rich and the
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
+5đ tặng
12/ C
13/ D
14/ A hoặc C 

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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