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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
04/01 23:05:29

"I'm afraid we haven't received the results of your tests yet," said the doctor to her patient

41. "I'm afraid we haven't received the results of your tests yet," said the doctor to her patient.
A. The doctor apologized to her patient about not yet having got the results of his tests.
IB. The doctor told her patient not to be frightened of receiving the results of his tests.
C. The doctor said she was afraid of receiving the results of her patient's tests.
D. The patient understood that the doctor had some fears about getting the result his tests.
42. He wanted to know if there was anything he could do to help.
A. He asked us what he should do to assist us.
B. If there were any way in which he could aid us, we'd tell him.
C. He said he could have done something if he had known we needed help.
D. He was wondering whether his assistance was needed at all.
43. His response to being told he was terminally ill was the most courageous I have ever seen.
A. I have never seen anyone react more bravely than him to being informed that he would die
because of his illness.
B. He tried hard to appear brave as he replied to the doctors after being told he had a serious
C. The doctors told him to be brave about his terminal illness and he replied that he would try to
do his best.
D. As far as I know, he was never more courageous than when he was told that he was
terminally ill.
44. He had said he was only coming for a short visit, but by the time he left, he been staying for
six months.
A. In contrast to what he had told us initially, he has been staying with us for six months now.
B. Although he'd informed us that his visit would be short, he ended up staying for half a year.
C. He told us that he would not stay long, but now it appears that his visit might last as long as
six months.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
+5đ tặng
41/ A
42/ D
43/ A
44/ B

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