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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
26/06 23:48:47

Complete each sentence with a correct question tag

e cần đáp án và lời giải thích chi tiết xíu ạ ????????
3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Việt Hưng
27/06 00:01:34
+5đ tặng
  • Let us leave our luggage here, shall we?
  • I am late again, aren't I?
  • Don’t forget to lock the door, will you?
  • You never let me finish a sentence, do you?
  • There is little we can do about it, is there?
  • She hardly ever steps out of her house, does she?
  • It seems that you’re tired, doesn't it?
  • Nobody could finish the test, could they?
  • Let us have a day off tomorrow, shall we?
  • You’d rather take part in the race, wouldn't you?
  • bài 5 

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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27/06 07:21:53
+4đ tặng

Ex5. Complete each sentence with a correct question tag.

  1. Let us leave our luggage here, shall we?
  2. I am late again, aren't I?
  3. Don't forget to lock the door, will you?
  4. You never let me finish a sentence, do you?
  5. There is little we can do about it, is there?
  6. She hardly ever steps out of her home, does she?
  7. It seems that you're tired, doesn't it?
  8. Nobody could finish the test, could they?
  9. Let us have a day off tomorrow, shall we?
  10. You'd rather take part in the race, wouldn't you?

Ex6. Complete each sentence with a correct question tag.

  1. I believe Tom broke the window, didn't he?
  2. Margaret thinks she will do well, doesn't she?
  3. I don't expect Jane will do well, do I?
  4. What he did was wrong, wasn't it?
  5. Why he left his job doesn't concern you, does it?
  6. You don't think the team has played very well, do you?
  7. He must be a good doctor, mustn't he?
  8. You must have stayed up late last night, didn't you?
  9. One must always obey the rules, mustn't one?
  10. It appears that he hasn't made up his mind, has he?
Hoa Nhi
27/06 11:13:31
+3đ tặng

1.shall we


3.will you

4.do you

5.isn't there

6.does she

7.isn't it

8.did they

9.does't she

10.isn't it

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