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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
28/06 21:29:30

Organise an information campaign about fake news for your school. Use the questions to help you plan your campaign

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Organise an information campaign about fake news for your
school. Use the questions to help you plan your campaign.
• Can you define fake news in a simple, clear way?
Have there been any fake news stories in your area?
• Why do some people believe fake news so easily?
• How can young people avoid or identify fake news?
• How can schools help students notice fake news?
• How can websites be useful for stopping fake news?
Present your work to the class. Then display it in your school.
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
28/06 21:30:50
+5đ tặng

Information Campaign Plan: Fake News Awareness for Students

  1. Define Fake News:

    • Provide a simple and clear definition of fake news to ensure understanding among students.
  2. Local Fake News Stories:

    • Discuss any recent fake news stories in the local area to make the issue more relatable.
  3. Understanding Belief in Fake News:

    • Explore the reasons why some people believe fake news so easily, highlighting the psychological and social factors involved.
  4. Avoiding and Identifying Fake News:

    • Educate young people on how to avoid or identify fake news by providing practical tips and examples.
  5. School's Role in Noticing Fake News:

    • Discuss how schools can help students notice fake news through critical thinking exercises and media literacy programs.
  6. Role of Websites in Combating Fake News:

    • Highlight the usefulness of websites in stopping fake news, including fact-checking sites and reliable news sources.

Presentation to the Class:

  • Deliver a presentation to the class covering the above points, using visual aids and interactive discussions to engage students.

Display at School:

  • Create posters, infographics, and digital displays to present the information campaign in school common areas, such as the library, cafeteria, and notice boards.

The campaign aims to empower

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Quỳnh Anh
29/06 07:28:52
+4đ tặng
  1. Definition of Fake News:

    • Fake news is information that is deliberately misleading, often created to manipulate public opinion or gain clicks/views. It may lack factual basis and can be harmful.
  2. Local Examples:

    • Research and present examples of fake news stories that have circulated in your area. Discuss their impact and how they were debunked.
  3. Reasons People Believe Fake News:

    • Explore why some people believe fake news easily. Factors such as confirmation bias (believing information that confirms existing beliefs) and sensationalism can play roles.
  4. Tips for Identifying Fake News:

    • Provide strategies for young people to avoid or identify fake news:
      • Check the source and credibility of the information.
      • Verify information with multiple reliable sources.
      • Be skeptical of sensational headlines and images.
      • Look for evidence and consider alternative viewpoints.
  5. Role of Schools:

    • Discuss how schools can help students recognize fake news:
      • Integrate media literacy into the curriculum.
      • Teach critical thinking skills.
      • Encourage discussion and analysis of news stories.
      • Provide resources and guidance on evaluating information.

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